CDNU Week 10 Online Teaching Report during COVID-19 Epidemic Period

CDNU Week 10 Online Teaching Report
During the COVID-19 Epidemic Control Period

I. The General Situation of Online Teaching
All teaching tasks of Week 10 of the Spring Semester 2020 have been completed. This week, all schools of CDNU has continued to guarantee the quality of online teaching, and have also worked hard to arrange the return of students as well as preparing for the graduation of senior students.

Until Week 10, CDNU has opened 26079 online courses, including 11612 courses on third-party platforms such as MOOC and Wisdom Tree, 10275 on live platforms such as UCLASS and Tencent Conference, and 4192 on CDNU Online Teaching Platforms. 12838 teachers have published 30062 assignments and tests online, and 1207762 students have participated in the online courses.

II. Analysis of Online Teaching
1.Student Satisfaction

In Week 10, student satisfaction rate for online courses has reached 99.81%, a big increase compared to Week 9. During this week, all schools have continued to improve teaching quality. After ten weeks of online teaching, schools and teachers have become familiar with online teaching patterns, and accumulated a lot of experience. According to the feedback from both students and teachers, the overall situation of online teaching have improved, but there are still a number of cases where students could not attend the class on time due to objective factors, such as Internet or electricity problem.
2. Student Attendance

During Week 10, the attendance rate of students is slightly lower than that of Week 9, at 99.41%. According to the feedback of students, most of absent students could not attend classes because of Internet or electricity failure, and a few asked for personal leave. All schools should enhance the management of teaching process in future to help students complete the teaching task.

III. Conduct Practice Teaching in Innovative Ways
Under the circumstances of COVID-19 epidemic, schools of CDNU have developed innovative approaches to complete practice teaching tasks.

1. Experiment Teaching and Practical Training
The CDNU has made detailed regulations on experiment teaching (including practical training). For the experiment (practical training) projects that can be completed outside the laboratory, it is required for teachers to list the detailed experimental project implementation method, experiment procedures, assessment method, etc. in the teaching plan. For the experimental (practical training) projects that needed to be completed in the laboratory, the preparatory tasks shall be arranged by for students to guarantee that the students can master the required knowledge and skills of the projects before returning to school.

Staff responsible for laboratory management in each school should make feasible practical experiment plan for the return of students to make sure experiment teaching can be conducted in batches and in order.

Schools have mobilized all resources to complete experiment (practical training) tasks, such as using the online virtual simulation experiment teaching resources to complete the virtual simulation experiment (practical training) teaching tasks; and adapting the content of experiment project to the online teaching pattern to complete online training, practice and assessment.

2. Internship
Schools of CDNU have adjusted the internship plan to guarantee that students complete internship during the epidemic period. According to the characteristics of the major and the actual situation of the internship bases, the schools have guided to students to make reasonable and operational internship plan, and take epidemic prevention measures during internship. CDNU encourages students to take full advantages of the resources on the internet platforms and conduct internship task online without face-to-face contact.

Under the overall planning and effective organization of CDNU, the practical teaching work of all schools has been conducted in order from the beginning of Spring Semester to the present, and many schools have come up innovative methods to complete practice teaching with high quality.