爱 Love
Love is the starting point of education. Without love, there is no real education.

Love is the main theme of normal education. It is an important task for normal education to let love pass on from generation to generation between the present and future teachers. It is an important mission of normal universities to cultivate loving teachers.

The connotation of love in education: justice, understanding, tolerance, respect, trust, love, appreciation and praise.

The ways to realize love in education are: dedication, communication, sharing, encouragement and guidance.

Normal colleges and universities should not only cultivate loving teachers, but also urge students to cultivate loving students when they become a teacher. They should teach students to love themselves, parents, classmates, friends, the party, socialism, the motherland and all the people they should love.

真 Truth
Truth seeking: the pursuit of truth is the core value of education. Education itself is a close combination of science and art.

Treat people sincerely: treat people sincerely with the principles of kindness, enthusiasm, faithfulness and responsibility.

Do things with true feelings: first of all, it is the premise of doing things with true feelings that we should have a positive and optimistic attitude towards life. Secondly, doing things with true feelings in the field of education is that education is service. Third, the goal of doing things with true feelings is to enjoy work and feel happiness.

Learn to be a real person: A real person should have true knowledge, speak the truth and do the real thing. The practical way of learning to be a real person is to acquire knowledge and learn to think independently, be a good person, and deal with the outside world properly.

笃 Determination
Faith refers to clear and firm goals; attention to detail; unremitting and indomitable spirit of exploration.

为 Excellence
The will to become excellent is the foundation of students' growth and school development, and the premise of social identity.

It is the unremitting pursuit of both studnets and the university become excellent and work hard to make a difference, and it is also the condensed portrayal of development history of Chengdu Normal University.